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Kali Linux is now available for download

Kali Linux has just been released. ISO and VMWare images for Kali, a Linux distribution from the developers of BackTrack Linux, just hit a download mirror near you.

BackTrack was/is a specialty distribution for security professionals and penetration testers. Before being re-branded, retooled and relaunched as Kali Linux, the last “stable” edition of BackTrack was BackTrack 5 R3. The “R” is for Revolution, that version’s code name.

With Kali, the distribution’s developers made the switch from an Ubuntu base to a Debian base. So, Kali is a Debian-based distribution for security gurus or those aspiring to be. Released installation images use the GNOME 3 (GNOME Shell 3.4.2) desktop environment, though there are instructions for rolling your own using the any desktop environment that you prefer.

Here are just a few screen shots from a live installation of Kali Linux in a virtual environment. This one is the boot menu.
Kali Linux GRUB Boot menu

Here’s the default desktop.
Kali Desktop

This one shows installed top 10 security applications.
Kali Desktop top  10 security pentesting apps

And this one shows installed hardware hacking tools.
Kali Linux hardware hacking Android apps

This shows categories of installed forensic applications.
Kali Linux forensics security apps

You may read more on what Kali Linux brings to the table here and download ISO or VMWare images from here.



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11 years ago

Only Ubuntu 12.10 64bit works on the surface pro, they have signed efi file…

No luck with kali or any other bistro for that matter even with secure boot disabled.

11 years ago

can’t get it to work with UEFI to boot from thumb drive…surface pro , or any computer with OEM windows 8.
Anyone got around the UFEI issue?

11 years ago

it’s does not seem to be compatible with UEFI, can’t boot from thumb drive, to use with a surface pro.

Anyone got it to work wit

Reply to  Guilou
11 years ago

I spent yesterday working on this. I couldn’t do it on a Zenbook. Went on fine on a 32b eee pc and a 64b HP (which had never taken BT due to graphics drivers) But on a Zenbook with UEFI win8 and Ubuntu 12.10. It just wouldn’t go. No matter what changes I made. It wouldn’t even boot from usb. The closest I got was turning secure boot back ON of all things. Then it booted but said the security cert didn’t match. Anyone got a fix? I think their UEFI workaround isn’t working. But the one in Ubuntu 12.10 works a treat. I’ll keep at it and let you know if I can get it going.

Reply to  Bootloader
11 years ago

I have fixed this, took ages but here’s what I did. Disable secure boot but enable CMS then reboot with usb in and go back to the bios menu. Boot form the usb, from the save menu and it will install. However grub did not work automatically. Install grub-customiser is you are not used to messing about with grub and add a new option with points towards the partition Kali is on. On next boot I had it as an option. Only took about two days of work but it’s on and worked fine. Said during installation that it was missing the firmware for the wifi card. Ignore that it’s a known debian bug. The wifi should work fine without it. Success!

Reply to  Bootloader
11 years ago

Hi, im currently trying to get Ubuntu (12.04) work on a Dualboot alongside Win7 on my Zenbook, but no matter what I try, Ubuntu doesnt recognize my already installed Windows (it doesn’t recognize any partitions at all..) and only gives the option to use the full disk space (which would erase my Windows7-Partition). Is this Issue fixed with Ubuntu 12.10 or do you know anything that could work in my situation? Any help would be appreciated!


Reply to  finid
11 years ago

Yep, its GPT-based. It came with an normal 256 gig SSD. If I select something else, I see partitions. sda4 is my win7 install. sda3 is a data-partition and sda1 is fat32 and only 100MB big, i think its the system reserved partition of windows.
I got 30gig free space available.
Sorry for my bad english btw, it’s not my mother language.

Reply to  finid
11 years ago

I tried that, following this tutorial:
The options to boot another OS show up when booting, but it shows an error instead of booting ubuntu.
Error: File: \NST\AutoNeoGrub0.mbr
Status: 0xc0000098
While installing (after selecting “Device for boot loader installation” to sda5) it showed a warning that it could fail to install the bootloader on this partition and that i should create another partition for the bootloader (which I did not, because the tutorial didnt say so)..

11 years ago

The develop of BackTrack will finish or that also will remain beside this distro?

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