What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is comprised of a network of devices that are Wi-Fi enabled. These devices are used to manage home automation, chore-like tasks, or lifestyle activities. For instance, you can connect your coffee pot and program it to make coffee at the same time every morning, or you can setup your thermostat to learn your routine, so you never have to adjust it manually.

You can imagine how simple your life could be if you took all of the components of your smartphone and added them to other everyday objects. The Internet of Things makes this possible. You can design your automation around your normal routine to make life easier. There’s no limit to what IoT devices can accomplish.

What is IoT Chain?

There tend to be pervasive security problems when dealing with any smart devices on an IoT network. Smart devices haven’t been around for long, and we’re still vetting out the issues. What devices should you use? How do they communicate with each other and with you? What measures can you take to protect your home in the event one of your smart devices (and all the data contained within) is compromised?

IoT Chain (ITC) is intended to solve many of these problems. It takes extra measures of precaution to eliminate unauthorized access to any of your devices, protecting your home and your information from data breaches. ITC allows for devices to be checked only by authorized users by defending data safety and privacy security.

ITC Vision

Today, many different companies manufacture IoT devices. Some communicate with each other, and some don’t. There are ways to interconnect all smart devices over a common network, but the ease with which you can do that depends on whether they were originally designed to do so.

However, ITC aims to be the centralized platform on which all IoT devices connect and communicate. We’re quickly approaching the age where everything will be intellectualized, and ITC wants to be the primary OS for all smart property.

IoT Chain (ITC) Token

ITC is an operating system for IoT devices. It’s based on blockchain. With integrated blockchain technology, ITC resolves server security problems, meeting the demand for connectivity of all things. Not only is it safe, but it’s light, meaning it requires very little processing power and storage.

ITC Purpose
Traditional IoT architecture is centralized by design, allowing all of your devices to connect, operate, and communicate on a single network. Your data is stored on centralized servers controlled by merchants. This leaves your data in a highly vulnerable position.

Blockchain has already established decentralized technology, making it even easier for ITC to leverage that security and apply it to IoT networks. You control and maintain your own data on secure networks that aren’t accessible by anyone but you.

ITC Uses

ITC is intended primarily for the connection of smart devices over blockchain, for enhanced security, decentralization of data, and increased accessibility for appropriate users. It also generates a large amount of data that can be abstracted for analyzation purposes, improving upon the technology as the user base grows. The ultimate goal is increased functionality and security. Currently listed on Kucoin and Huobi, IoT Chain’s main net is scheduled to release

Website: https://iotchain.io

Telegram: https://t.me/IoTChain