Ha, from ongoing discussions surrounding Systemd/Init in Debian, anybody could have predicted this was going to happen sooner or later.

Well, it has happened.

A fork of Debian has been announced by the “Veteran Unix Admin collective.”

The name of the Debian fork is Devuan, an Italian name that’s pronounced like DevOne. The following is from the groups webpage:

Devuan aims to be a base distribution whose mission is protect the freedom of its community of users and developers. Its priority is to enable diversity, interoperability and backward compatibility for existing Debian users and downstream distributions willing to preserve Init freedom.

Devuan will derive its own installer and package repositories from Debian, modifying them where necessary, with the first goal of removing systemd, still inheriting the Debian development workflow while continuing it on a different path: free from bloat as a minimalist base distro should be. Our objective for the spring of 2015 is that users will be able to switch from Debian 7 to Devuan 1 smoothly, as if they would dist-upgrade to Jessie, and start using our package repositories.

Devuan fork of Debian DevOne

So come next spring, I’ll be reviewing the first edition of Devuan. There’s never a dull moment in Linuxland. The group is calling for your help, so if you wish to join the coalition of the willing and able, visit http://debianfork.org/.