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Linux Deepin 2013 review

To sum, Linux Deepin is one of the best desktop distributions available and Linux Deepin 2013 features major enhancements in DDE and the distribution’s custom apps. This is one of my favorite desktop distributions and I truly like the direction it’s headed. If you are looking for another distribution to test and install on your system, give Linux Deepin 2013 a try. I think you will like it.

Non-Chinese-speaking users should be aware that English is the only other language supported during installation and that Deepin Game Center has localization issues. The developers realize that the language issues need to be addressed and that’s why they’ve reached out to the community for help. If you have the practical skills to help, please do.

Resources: Installation images of Linux Deepin 2013 are available for download from here.

Screen Shots: View more screen shots from my test installations of Linux Deepin 2013.

Linux Deepin 2013 shipped with 3 slideshow wallpapers. From my view, the best, which is called Birds, features birds photographed in their natural environment. The next three screen shots are from the same wallpaper.
Linux Deepin 2013 Desktop

Linux Deepin 2013 Desktop wallpaper

Linux Deepin 2013 bird wallpaper

This one, which shows the desktop in Scale view, features a different slideshow wallpaper called Nebula.
Linux Deepin desktop scaled view

So is this one.
Linux Deepin 2013 Nebula wallpaper



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10 years ago,thanks for your article。

The DDE not “Depth Desktop Environment”,it‘s “Deepin Desktop Environment”。

And the DDE not base on GNOME,it base on webkit and html5+js。

i hope it is useful information for you。

10 years ago

Beautiful distro, worth to download & try, but the D* software looks like have their own theme. Is it compatible with (compiz?) & GTK themes.

Ankleface Wroughtlandmire
Ankleface Wroughtlandmire
10 years ago

Nice review. Is it possible to reduce the panel launcher icon size so they fit within the panel? Then I assume that maximized windows would become flush with the top of the panel? Thanks.

Reply to  finid
10 years ago

Does this fix not work anymore?

Activate mini-Dock: Setting the Dock to auto-hide or become invisible looks cool, but it can be annoying, given that it can pop out inadvertently. That’s why I don’t like that setting. My preferred way of dealing with the Dock is to activate the mini version, which comes with application icons that take up less desktop space. To do that, open a shell terminal and type:

gsettings set com.deepin.dde.dock active-mini-mode true

Afterall it was posted by back in June at this address:

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