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ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 GNOME preview

The GNOME 3 edition of ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 has been released. ROSA Desktop Fresh is the latest line of Linux desktop distributions from ROSA Laboratory, a software solutions provider based in Moscow, Russia.

This is a community-supported edition from ROSA Lab developers that has not been officially sanctioned by ROSA Laboratory, though there is an ongoing discussion to make it and other desktop editions official spins or editions.

It was just released yesterday and I managed to install it in a virtual environment. The installation and boot process has one feature that the KDE edition does not have – a first boot program that gives you the option to enable a few daemons.

While a full review is still cooking, ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 GNOME preview brings you a few screen shots from that test installation.

The default desktop is a “pure” GNOME Shell. No extensions installed.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012

Correct set of default application handlers.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012

Just the applications.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012

LibreOffice 3.6 is installed.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 LibreOffice

Installed an extension to give me that familiar desktop menu. This shows the installed Internet applications.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 Internet

Another shot.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 LibreOffice

Chromium is the default browser, but Firefox 17 is in the repository.
ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012 Chromium

You may download a 32- or 64-bit installation image from here or



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Foro Rosa Linux
11 years ago

I just like this distributión. I have instaled on my laptop but the kde versión. Im in love with ROSA DESKTOP

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