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Deepin 15. This could be the best Linux desktop distribution of the year

Deepin desktop Efficient mode

Deepin 15 Alpha 2 (or is it Deepin 2015 Alpha 2?) is the latest pre-stable release of what will become Deepin 15 (or Deepin 2015). It was made available for download and testing yesterday.

Deepin is based on Ubuntu Desktop and developed by some fine folks in China.

Like all Ubuntu-based desktop distributions, the Unity desktop is not the distribution’s desktop environment. That function is filled by Deepin, a desktop environment developed by the same folks working on the distribution. It’s like the Cinnamon desktop from the developers of Linux Mint, but a whole lot better.

I don’t know when the stable edition will be released, so while we wait, here are some screeshots from a test installation to showcase some of the features of this wonderfully-made Linux desktop distribution.

This here is the login screen.

Deepin 2015 login screen

Figure 1: Deepin 2015 alpha login screen

You have a choice of logging into the default session or to a Deepin 2D session.

Deepin 2015 alpha login sessions

Figure 2: Deepin 2015 alpha login session options

The default Deepin desktop. On the default desktop, the dock is said to be in Fashion mode.

Deepin 2015 Deepin desktop

Figure 3: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin desktop

In this variation, the desktop is in Efficient mode. A third mode – Classic mode, is similar to the Efficient mode, but the icons on the dock are smaller.

Deepin desktop Efficient mode

Figure 4: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin desktop with the dock in Efficient mode

Deepin desktop comes with a fullscreen application launcher. It’s better than the GNOME Shell’s and Unity’s. The view of the applications on the launcher can be switched to several modes. What you see in Figure 5 is the default.

Deepin desktop application launcher

Figure 5: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin desktop application launcher

This is the category view of applications on the launcher.

Category view Deepin app launcher

Figure 6: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin desktop application launcher category view

Like most desktop distributions, it comes with four workspaces or virtual desktops by default. And like most aspects of Deepin, it’s beautifully designed.

Deepin desktop workspaces

Figure 7: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin desktop workspaces

Out of the box, three Hot Corners are active. All Hot Corners can be enabled and assigned in-situ.

Deepin desktop hot corners

Figure 8: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin desktop hot corners

What separates Deepin Desktop Environment from other desktop environments, dead or active, is the Control Center. It’s simply the best. Practically every aspect of the system can be modified from the slide-in Control Center.

 Deepin Control Center

Figure 9: Deepin 2015 alpha Deepin Control Center

You can change your avatar.

User avatar on Deepin 2015

Figure 10: Changing user avatar on Deepin 2015 alpha

Modify the default applications.

Default applications Deepin 2015 alpha

Figure 11: Changing default applications on Deepin 2015 alpha

Modify GRUB settings. Changing the GRUB background has never been easier; it’s a simple drag-and-drop operation.

GRUB settings on Deepin 2015 Control Center

Figure 12: GRUB settings on Deepin 2015 Control Center

View and apply available updates. Another cool feature you’ll find in the Control Center, is the Remote Assistance, which I’ve written about at Chrome Remote Desktop is used on Deepin 15 for remote assistance.

 System update Deepin 2015

Figure 13: System update settings from the Control Center of Deepin 2015

For command line wizards, the Quake Guake terminal emulator is integrated into the desktop.

 Quake terminal emulator Deepin 2015

Figure 14: Quake terminal emulator on Deepin 2015

One of the many custom applications you’ll find on Deepin, is Deepin Store, the distribution’s graphical package manager.

Deepin Store graphical package manager

Figure 15: Deepin Store on Deepin 15 alpha 2

A beautiful desktop has to ship with a matching icon theme, which is the case on Deepin 15 alpha 2. I’m looking forward to the release of the stable edition. If you’ll like to test drive this edition before that happens, 32- and 64-bit ISO images are available for download here. You may read the Release Notes here.

File manager Deepin 2015

Figure 16: File manager on Deepin 2015



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7 years ago

the deepin store has always been lacking and continues to be lacking. ive been sitting here for an hour and still cant download software. all it says is “waiting to download” it’s also unfortunate that deepin no longer offers live versions of its os

Firman setiawan
Firman setiawan
8 years ago

I tried once, and to be honest, i really love this distro (and i am a new in linux). Basically, i love the way it looks…. So beautiful! The problem i found that it has a very slow internet connection.. The strange thing is that, it is fine for browsing through browser but it is so slow when I download through browser or the store to install some apps.. It was failed all the time…. Then now i switch to Elementary OS…

But i desperately waiting for Deepin to be stable enough for my daily driver.

I dont know whether it is the hardware problem or the software…

8 years ago

I’m going to have to wait longer 🙁 I tried Deepin 15 and I’m still experiencing issues using a proprietary NVidia graphics driver (GE Force 450). I was hoping the move to Debian would resolve this issue but it hasn’t.

8 years ago

This version of Deepin is not based on Ubuntu, but is rather based on Debian Sid

8 years ago

Demasiado Windows, demasiado Mac… Que triste falta de originalidad la del escritorio Linux.

8 years ago

Linux Deepin keeps getting better and better, but is it still lacking support for disk encryption?

Reply to  Valsu
8 years ago

i agree with valsu, no encyption during installation , and after 2 days of trials in deepin 15 , Here iam !! Deepin 2014.3
i have experienced some abnormal latency, while running simple stuff. Dell , with intel.quad /4gb1333

8 years ago

Deepin is based on Debian and using gala as a window manger

8 years ago

I’ve been wanting to love Deepin for over 2 years but I have an NVidia graphics card using proprietary drivers which Deepin 2014 and earlier has issues with. System will hang on startup and can’t use graphic acceleration in Wine. If they are going to use Debian as the base, I’ll give it another try.

As far as elegance, this beats any distro hands down.

8 years ago

You didn’t offer anything to support your frequent assertions that Deepin is “better”, ” best”, etc. That makes your post a love letter, not a review.

8 years ago

Just an important precision : until 2014.3, Linux deepin was based on Ubuntu.
For this 2015 version, it’s based directy on Debian. That I appreciate it !

Miguel Mayol
Miguel Mayol
8 years ago

Deepin is available at other distros as Manjaro Deepin spin, that is also a great distro for those who prefer a more bleeding edge one, with great special tools as the kernel and drivers installer GUIs.

8 years ago

A small typo there (I think) , ain’t it it Guake terminal emulator ( instead of Quake

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