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Google to Gmail users: Forget about privacy. It’s so dead!

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Here’s a report from The Guardian. Yep, it’s that same UK online news site that’s been making headlines for more than a month.

The report cites a court filing by Google in which the Internet giant revealed that Gmail users should have no expectation of privacy. None. The thing does not exist.

In the court filing, Google makes the claim that:

Just as a sender of a letter to a business colleague cannot be surprised that the recipient’s assistant opens the letter, people who use web-based email today cannot be surprised if their communications are processed by the recipient’s ECS [electronic communications service] provider in the course of delivery.

Ok, I thought a mail server or service is just supposed to deliver email, not read it. Or as Google puts it, process it. In any case, this should not be news to anybody. However, for those that didn’t know already, here’s breaking news – engrave it on your spleen: If you use Gmail, forget about privacy. Google says you should have known that right from the beginning. And if there’s no privacy with Gmail, good luck with that email service from Microsoft, Yahoo! mail and all the others.



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Norman Risner
10 years ago

When the internet came into existent, we lost our privacy…everyone can find anything about you on the
internet. Welcome to the new world of no privacy!

Norman Risner
10 years ago

Of course Google will not consider privacy because they want to know everything about you so they can bombard you with advertisements.

10 years ago

No need to have The Guardian explained to me. I’ve known for a long time that it’s the UK version of “The National Enquirer”. Newspaper is kind of a strong description for this publication. It is fun reading tho. 😀

Reply to  Eddie
10 years ago

Just to stay on topic, you have to look at the source of the information. I do think that there is a grain of truth in the story but not to the extent of The Guardian’s claims. Anyway encrypted mail services are not fairing too well these days. That’s sad in it’s own right.

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Reply to  Eddie
10 years ago

Hey Ed,
I just came across this and I have to respond. You might not like the political leanings of the Guardian newspaper but it is downright deceitful to equate it with The National Enquirer. That’s just plain ugly for you to try to disparage the newspaper like that. Obviously you must be one of those “Fair and balanced” devotees.

10 years ago

The Guardian. Isn’t that just the British version of The Onion?

10 years ago

Here’s a report from The Guardian. Yep, it’s that same UK online news site that’s been making headlines for more than a month.

A month? Americans are so provincial.

The only people in the West who need to have the Guardian newspaper explained to them.

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Reply to  Oomph
10 years ago

It is kind of sad isn’t it. It also shows another American trait: If you don’t understand it, attack it.

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