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Dual-boot Fedora 18 and Windows 7, with full disk encryption configured on both OSs

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

“Yes,” then Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

First option, then Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

It was, but we rectified this when we restored Windows boot program to the MBR. So, select “No.” Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

This is fine. What will happen is that after this process is completed, pressing the Esc key at Truecrypt’s boot menu will drop you to Fedora’s boot menu. Because Fedora is also encrypted, being able to bypass Truecrypt’s boot menu to get to it does not compromise the integrity of the system’s physical security Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

The default encryption algorithm is strong enough, but there are other options, if you feel otherwise. For this test system, I chose the default. Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Pick a strong passphrase. Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Follow the on-screen instructions, then Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Insert a blank CD-R in the optical drive, then click Next. After you’re done creating the Truecrypt Rescue Disk (TRD), you can transfer it to a USB stick, if you like that better.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

If the TRD is created successfully, click Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

For better encryption, choose a “Wipe Mode” from the dropdown menu. Next.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

If you’ve followed all the steps as specified, there should be no problem here. Encrypt.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

It took two hours for the encryption of my test system to complete. Note that the time it takes is a function of the size of the disk being encrypted, and the wipe mode you chose. The good thing here is that you can still be using the system while Truecrypt is completing the task. Otherwise, take a walk and come back after the estimated time to completion.
Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt

Encrypt Windows 7 with Truecrypt



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11 years ago

I am unable to proceed further after “Number of System Drives” menu. After I select the number of drives as ‘1’, TrueCrypt comes with an error mentioning that “True Crypt does not support encrypting a whole drive that contains multiple operating systems” and comes up with two possible solutions of “encrypt single system partition as opposed to encrypt entire system drive” and “move other system to other drive”. Not sure if I have missed anything. Any help is much appreciated.

Reply to  Srini
10 years ago

This tutorial has a flaw.
1. We should select to encrypt System partition only, and not Whole drive.
2. Select “Number of System Drives” 2 or more
A correct tutrial is here:

Reply to  finid
10 years ago

If you have only one drive (doesn’t matter how many partitions and OS are installed on those partitions), then first try “1”. If it gives error, then select “2 or more”. Simple.

Reply to  finid
10 years ago

If we encrypt whole drive using Truecrypt then wudn’t it become a double encryption when we run fedora! as fedora is encrypted too

11 years ago

1. How do I make a bootable flash drive of the desktop version of fedora 18 (4.5GB)?

2. I have win7 installed on c drive. On D drive, I’ve my media files. And I can install Fedora on E Drive (100GB). After installing fedora 18 with a DVD, will I see a proper entry of windows7 on the list?

Reply to  finid
11 years ago

thanks. Somehow, Unetbootin fails to boot the installer of fedora 18. It shows some error – /dev/root does not exist – and is stuck on it forever. I’ve tried other software in that link you provided, all are for live installation, not the desktop installation. (sorry I don’t know what exactly that is called).

Reply to  finid
11 years ago

no. it never works with fedora this way.

11 years ago

Excellent article. The only drawback I can think of is losing access to windows partitions from Linux. Is there any workaround.

Reply to  Srini
10 years ago

not true, you can mount the windows partition from linux using truecrypt.

11 years ago

that’s a great tutorial. does it limit the installation of new operating systems?

I currently dual boot windows 7 and Fedora 18. I want both encrypted.

I am also thinking of having a small 3rd OS installed which will have no personal data but will allow easy access to the internet so as to make recovery of a stolen laptop through something like Prey more likely.

Am I correct in thinking that your method wouldn’t allow that?

Curious Apprentice
Curious Apprentice
11 years ago

If I have Ubuntu 12.04 and Fedora 18 along with Windows 7, does creating auto configured Grub 2 menu for Windows Boot loader using EasyBCD will work ?

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