The first alpha of Fedora 16 was released yesterday (August 23, 2011). As you might expect, this is buggy, really buggy. While bug hunting is in progress, here are a few screenshots from the KDE and GNOME editions. A few of them have already been posted here, but the rest are new.

In that article, I showed, via a couple of the screenshots, that Anaconda, the Fedora installer, will be using the GPT partition table by default. There were some doubts about that, but the images in this article confirms it. GPT partition table will be the default, when Fedora 16 is finally released, which will be in early November (2011).

GPT, the GUID Partition Table, is an alternate disk partition table scheme that solves two problems associated with the MBR (Master boot Record) partition table: It allows the configuration of more than four primary partitions, the maximum supported by MBR, and also supports disk partitions of more than 2 TB.

From the test installations I carried out, I observed that GPT is the default if Fedora is installed in standalone mode. If, however, there is an existing distribution or another operating system on the drive, and you attempt to dual-boot, it defaults to the MBR partition table.

On the disk partitioning methods step of Anaconda, the methods are still the same. The only new addition here is the “Use LVM” option. LVM, the Linux Logical Volume Manager, has been the default disk partitioning scheme on Fedora for some time. It will still be the default on Fedora 16, but this option makes it easy to use a non-LVM partitioning scheme, and still have Anaconda create partitions automatically for you. On previous versions of Anaconda, if you opt to use a non-LVM partitioning scheme, you had to create partitions manually.
Anaconda on Fedora 16 Alpha

These are the partitions created when LVM is in use. What this shows, is that the default partition table will be GPT, rather than MBR-based. But as stated earlier, this is the case if Fedora is the only distribution that is going to be installed on the disk.
LVM Volumes on Fedora 16 Alpha

If you opt to not use LVM, the image below shows the partitions that the installer will create. Five partitions, all of them primary, thanks to GPT.
GPT Partitions on Fedora 16 Alpha

Fedora 16 will mark the first use of GRUB 2 as the boot loader in Fedora. Fedora 15 and earlier used GRUB Legacy. Also shown in this image is the new kernel version.
Fedora 16 Alpha GRUB 2 Boot Menu

Ok, enough about the installer, let see a few desktop screenshots.

First from the KDE edition, which is powered by KDE 4.7.

The default wallpaper, which is the same across all the Fedora 16 editions, is very visually appealing. The guys responsible for this are true professionals.
Fedora 16 KDE Alpha Desktop

The desktop showing a system message from the notification area. The message reveals just one of the many bugs that will be reported.
Fedora 16 KDE Desktop Nepomuk

Default desktop with the Kickoff menu, the default menu style.
Fedora 16 KDE Kickoff Menu

Main interface of the KDE Plasma Netbook interface.
Fedora 16 KDE Netbook Interface

Entries in the Office category. KOffice is the installed office suite. This screenshot, from the KDE Plasma Netbook interface, shows the components of this integrated office suite for the K Desktop Environment.
KOffice on KDE Plasma Netbook Fedora 16 Alpha