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How to dual-boot Pardus 2011 and Windows 7


Installing Pardus 2011 Alongside Windws 7: After installing Windows 7, or after freeing up space on a disk with an existing installation of Windows 7, boot the computer from the Pardus installation DVD. Click until you get to the disk partitioning methods step. There are four options here. The option to select is highlighted in the image below. Select it and click Next.


Partition methods

The installer will create partitions from the free space, and then install Pardus 2011. Note that throughout the installation, the Windows 7 partitions will remain untouched; nothing will happen to the data on the Windows side. But what will happen is that the installer will detect the two Windows 7 partitions as /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 (drive C when viewed from inside Windows 7). It will also detect the unallocated space, which it will partition as follows:

  • A primary partition for /boot of about 500 MB will be created first. This partition is /dev/sda3.
  • Then another partition, this time a logical partition, will be created from the remaining space and then initialized for use by LVM, the Linux Logical Volume Manager. This partition is /dev/sda5. From this LVM partition, the installer be create logical volumes for /, swap, and /home.

    Keep in mind that LVM is the default disk partitioning scheme on Pardus 2011. If you are interested, there is a guide on how to configure LVM on Pardus 2011.

When the installation gets to the “Configure Bootloader” step, you will be able to choose where you want the bootloader to be installed. By default, the installer will install the bootloader in the Master Boot Record of the hard disk, /dev/sda. This means that Windows 7’s boot files will be overwritten and the Pardus bootloader will be responsible for dual-booting. If this is what you want, click Next at this step and complete the installation. After installation, reboot the computer and you will be presented with two OS options on GRUB’s menu.

If you want to install GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) in the /boot partition of the Pardus installation, click on “Advanced settings,” and then select “The partition where Pardus is installed.” Keep in mind that selecting this option will require you to add an entry for Pardus 2011 in the Windows 7 boot menu.

Note that GRUB version 0.97, GRUB Legacy, is the bootloader used by Pardus 2011.


Boot loader options

That is all it takes to dual-boot Pardus 2011 and Windows 7 on a computer with one hard drive. And it is just as easy to dual-boot both on a computer with two or more hard drives.

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12 years ago

Thank you so much!!!

I did have an error during installation right at the end so it didn’t boot.
Log into windows 7 partitions manager and deleted the Pardus installations (including the 500MB pardus boot)
So, I install pardus again, this time it works without any error!
Maybe it’s because of the unallocated status vs free status from the partition. The second time around it was free space not unallocated.

Now i’m happy!

kris welch
kris welch
13 years ago

i did these instructions , but

basicly when ive done the install it just boots into windows with no option for linux

i tryed forcing the boot with f12 but it only sees the 1 drive not the 2 partions

any ideas ?

Reply to  kris welch
13 years ago

hi kris..i have dual booted windows 7 and pardus i have fedora and win i dont remember dual booting pardus exactly..but i would sujjest u to create some unpartitioned space before booting with ur pardus when the installer option comes u can just select this unpartitioned space( free space so select to install into the free space)..when u boot again u will have option for selecting into win 7 or pardus 2011
…it works trust me ..i had some trouble but it did work eventually..if u are having any more trouble pls feel free to write here..

13 years ago

THAT WAS SWEEEEEEt….thanx thanx thanx a lot….
i jst dont know how to thank you..everything workd like a piece of cake..
thanks for this great guide..i was having real trouble dual booting pardus 2011 and win7..asked for help here..and in 2 days i got the best TUTORIALS i could dream of..thanx a lot…’



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