Editor: Containerizing Traditional Applications is the title of a free ebook by Nirmata, a fast-growing company operating in the software containerization and devops spaces.

If you are in the IT industry then chances are obvious that you have heard of application container technology like Docker that provides standards-based image packaging and standards-based runtime management of the application components. Containers securely share the host Operating System (OS) and kernel, and hence are fast to deploy and make efficient use of system resources. Using containers, developers get application portability and programmable image management. The operations team gets standard runtime units of deployment and management.

With all the accepted benefits of application containers, there is a lingering and common misperception that containers are only good for stateless microservices-style applications, and there are no benefits of adopting containers for other types of applications. This ebook explains why containerizing traditional applications may be a great first step for enterprises in the DevOps journey, and provide guidance on how traditional, stateful, applications can be containerized.

Two other key points covered in this ebook are:

1. How any application can be containerized
2. How containerizing traditional applications provides significant benefits

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Why Containerize?
  • Steps to Containerize any Application
  • Application State
  • Container Networking Options
  • Container Storage
  • Container Security
  • Summary
  • About Nirmata

Click here to go to the download page and learn how to containerize traditional applications and what the key benefits are.

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