How much space from the VG should be allocated to the root LV? Ubuntu 11.04 installer recommends 4.4 GB, but a new installation uses up about 3 GB, so 5 GB should be more than enough. Remember that you just need to allocate enough to install the system. If necessary, you can always grow the LV. Enter.

The recommended name for the LV that will be used as Swap is “swap.” Enter.

And the recommended size is 2 GB or 2000 MB. Enter.

For the /home LV, the recommended name is “home.” Enter.

For this tutorial, 10 GB is good enough. Enter.

All the LVs are configured. Scroll to “Finish.” Enter.

These are the partitions and LVs that we just created. The final task is to assign a mount point and file system to the LVs. Select any of the LVs as shown in the image, then press Enter.

The default file system for non-boot partitions on Ubuntu 11.04 is ext4. Best to use the default for all the LVs. For the “home” LV, the mount point is /home, for “root”, it is /. for “swap,” just select “swap.” No mount point.

This is what the window for the home LV should look like when you are down with it. The one for root should be just about the same. Scroll to “Done setting up the partition.” Enter.

Finally! Double-check your work, scroll to “Finish partitioning and write changes to disk.” Enter. Finish the installation, and reboot.

At every reboot, the passphrase must be specified before the computer will boot successfully. After six (6) unsuccessful attempts, …

The system will drop you to a basic shell. If you can figure out how to boot the system, bypassing the passphrase, let us know. Note: You can set as many as eight (8) disk encryption passphrases. How to manage disk encryption passphrases and key slots tells you how.

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