As a “clean” KDE/Qt distribution, Chakra makes non-Qt applications (GTK applications) available via the Bundle System. The Chakra Project describes a Bundle as a “squashed filesystem, an ISO-like image with all the files needed to run your app.” You can thus run Firefox, Chromium, the GIMP or any other GTK application “without actually installing any file on your system.” And it seems to work very well. During install installation, you have the option to download from about a dozen Bundles. A downloaded Bundle is “installed” simply by clicking on its icon on the desktop.

Management of Bundle’s is via the Bundle Manager, a graphical application accessible from the menu (Applications > System > Bundle Manager). The image shows some available Bundles.

Installed Bundles are shown here.

Graphical Administrative Tools: Most of the graphical administrative tools are the same ones available on any KDE distribution, so no point in putting a screenshot of it here. One that I can show is the KDE Partition Manager. This shot is from a test system installed on a GPT partitioning scheme, with six primary partitions. If you want to know, /dev/sda1, the partition marked as “unknown,” is required for GPT to work. And that partition must have the bios_grub flag set.

Security Posture: There are no open ports on a new installation of Chakra 2011.04, and the firewall is not enabled. The graphical firewall client installed is the KDE modules of ufw, the Uncomplicated Firewall. The image below shows it enabled (not the default).

Adding a firewall rule is pretty easy, assuming you understand how Netfilter/IPTables works. You may set rules for some preset services and applications, create a simple rule by port only, or use the Advanced interface to create rules by source and destination IP address and port.

Bug Report: This section is just to show some of the crash-related information any interested party might want to know. For starters, Burg-Manager, the application for managing Burg, the boot loader, failed to start from the menu (Applications > System > Burg-Manager.

The KDE Partition Manager, the application used for partitioning disks on Chakra, crashed once. I just restarted it and was able to use it without another crash incident.

During a test installation, Tribe, the Chakra installation program, crashed at the Disk Setup step. I had to restart the installation, that is, reboot the computer.

A favorite or bookmarked application on the Netbook interface is Konqueror, the KDE file and Web browser. The problem is it is not installed, so when you click on it, you get a nice dialog message telling you something about a missing konqueror executable. What you see here on the Netbook interface is the default that ships with KDE 4.6. The developers just neglected to customize it for Chakra.

When viewing the CCR window of AppSet, clicking on the List Installed button caused it to crash every single time. And the only way to restart it is to reboot the system, or delete the /tmp/as.tmp file.