These are the default partitions and logical volumes created by the installer. The first partition is a non-LVM boot partition (255 MB with ext2) and the rest of the unallocated space is assigned to the Physical Volume. Three logical volumes (for /, swap, and /home) are created with most of the available space allocated to /home). The default file system used by the Debian Installer on logical volumes is ext3. Continue.

Yes, and Continue.

I recommend Yes here. Continue.

At this stage, the base system is already installed. Sticking with the default choices at this step will prompt the installer to install a set of packages needed to run a complete GNOME desktop. This is one option, and one that I will not recommended for what we are trying to do. My recommendation is to deselect both options.

So the window will look just like this one. Continue.

The installer will install GRUB, the boot loader, on the Master Boot Record (MBR). You will not always need to install GRUB on the MBR, but for this tutorial, we will take the default. Keep in mind that this article is proceeding on the premise that LMDE will be the only operating system on the computer.Continue.