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BackTrack 5 Revolution 2 screen shots

BackTrack 5 Vulnerability Apps

BackTrack Linux is now known as Kali Linux. You may read all Kali Linux articles and tutorial at

The beauty of Linux and other Free Software operating systems is that you can roll your own, and load any type of applications and tools that you want on it. That freedom to tinker has given us distributions that are specialized for desktop, server, router and multimedia use. It has also given us distributions that are targeted at security professionals.

One of those, is BackTrack, a hackers delight, one that is loaded with all the best Free Software and Open Source penetration testing applications available. The latest edition is BackTrack 5, code-named Revolution. We are actually at BackTrack 5 R2. Keep in mind that BackTrack is not a distribution for newbies. This is serious stuff.

But every person has a different starting point. Some newbies start off in Linux with a simple, newbie-friendly distribution – Ubuntu, Mint, Mandriva, for example. Others want to jump into the thick of things, where the lessons are hard, where you are likely to break something (if you have no clue what you are doing), but where the fun is plenty. “Fun” in this context, is open to definition.

If this article is your introduction to BackTrack, take a few moments to view these screen shots. They give you an idea of the type of applications you will find on BackTrack 5. Download link is just below the last screen shot. You might also want to read Install BackTrack 5 Revolution 2 on external hard drive.

Start off with the boot menu.
BackTrack 5 Boot Menu

Splash screen.
BackTrack 5 Splash Screen

Japanese or Chinese?
BackTrack 5 Splash Xter

The rest of the screen shots are application-centric. Enjoy.
BackTrack 5 Internet Apps

BackTrack 5 Info Apps

BackTrack 5 Exploit Apps

BackTrack 5 Privilege Excalation Apps

BackTrack 5 Maintain Access Apps

BackTrack 5 Reverse Engineering  Apps

BackTrack 5 RFID  Apps

 BackTrack 5 Stress Testing Apps

 BackTrack 5 Forensic Apps

 BackTrack 5 Reporting Apps

BackTrack 5 Services Apps

BackTrack 5 Apps

BackTrack 5 Vulnerability Apps

BackTrack 5 is available for download as a Live DVD installation ISO image weighing in at about 2.8 GB. Want to take it out for a spin? Download it from here.



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11 years ago

The characters seen in the splash, is it Chinese or Japanese?

12 years ago

nice screen i try learn linux from ubuntu but in fact after learn some stuff in ubuntu thats not enought for me… than i try some tool on backtrack even i start from 0 thats really help me for open my mind “linux is only way to make me grow up than use windows” just trolling a bit thx for the info

12 years ago

These four characters are Chinese.

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