Over the past year, major changes in American politics have left a lot of people feeling like they should be doing more to get involved.

Political advocacy can take a lot of forms. It can be passive or active, partisan or nonpartisan, personal or large-scale. As engineers, we are uniquely empowered to apply our skills to important causes. This post describes how I built a simple, open-source app using Twilio that’s handled over 10,000 calls to senators and representatives in Congress…

Getting Started

Our stack is Node/Express, Twilio, and an API from the Sunlight Foundation that allows us to look up representatives for a given zip code.

Here’s how it works:

  1. User calls our Twilio phone number
  2. Phone number asks them for their zip code
  3. User enters their zip code
  4. Phone number connects them with their representatives

Read the complete article here.

Twilio and Nnode.js