The first release candidate of Linux Mint 12 KDE was made available for download yesterday, but do not be surprised if the “stable” version is released next week. While we await that, here are a few screen shots for your viewing pleasure.

This KDE version is powered by KDE 4.7.4, and comes with a comprehensive set of productivity applications installed. Like every Linux Mint edition, however, there are no games installed. You may download a 32-bit installation image from here and a 64-bit one here.

This screen shot of the desktop shows the Kickoff menu, which is the default menu style.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Desktop Kickoff

And this is the Lancelot menu, available as a widget.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Desktop Lancelot

Another shot showing Lancelot menu’s subcategory opening as a popup.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Desktop

The next four screen shots are just those of the desktop showing different wallpapers.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Desktop Background

Linux Mint 12 KDE Desktop Chess Wallpaper

Linux Mint 12 KDE Blue Wallpaper

Linux Mint 12 KDE Fall Wallpaper

Dolphin, the file manager.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Dolphin

The update Manager showing some application updates available.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Update Manager

A few of the featured applications in the Software Manager.
Linux Mint 12 KDE Featured Apps