This is the edited logical volume. Notice the changes from the default. Click OK to close the window and return to the main window. Note that because the physical volume in this example has been enabled for encryption, it is not necessary to encrypt the logical volumes. Doing so would be overkill, but if you are that security conscious, go ahead. Depending on the situation, I would, but in this case, it is not necessary.


Edited /root logical volume

If lv_home is selected for editing, these are the defaults. As with lv_root, the primary item we want to edit is the size.


Default /home logical volume

This is the edited window. Again, notice the difference from the defaults.


Edited /home logical volume

For lv_swap, these are the defaults.


Default swap logical volume

And this is the edited version. For this logical volume, I edited just the name, leaving the size at the default of about 1 GB. Keep in mind that if you do not change the size of swap here, you can only resize it on a running system from the command line. System-config-lvm, the graphical management tool for LVM, does not allow resizing of the swap partition.


Edited swap logical volume