The last partition, which will be a logical partition, will be for /home. For this tutorial, 15 GB has been assigned to this partition. 15 GB is too small for a partition that will be used for /home, but this is an example. Since this is not an LVM-based partitioning scheme, be very generous with home. If this were a permanent installation that I intend to use, and given the available disk space, I could easily allocate 50 GB to 150 GB to /home. For the Mount point, select /home and click OK.

A little note about logical partitions: When you opt to create a logical partition, something else takes place that a graphical installer does not reveal: An extended partition is first created, then the logical partition is created under the extended partition. By creating an extended partition, it is now possible to create a virtually unlimited number of logical partitions. It is highly unlikely that you will ever need to create more than a few (2 to 4) logical partitions, but just know that you can, if you need to.


Create the /home partition

If you intend to create separate partitions for other file systems, you may continue. For this tutorial, this is the end. You will notice that there is still plenty of disk space left. That is by design. I intend to install another OS alongside this one. That is how to set up a hard drive for dual-booting. It makes it easier when you it comes time to install the second OS, especially if you are also going to create partitions manually. With the partitioning completed, click Install Now to continue with the rest of the installation.


Complete disk partitioning

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