OpenBSD is a multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system with a near-perfect security track record – only 2 security holes since it was first released more than 10 years ago. Aside from the operating system, the OpenBSD teams is also responsible for OpenSSH, OpenBGPD, OpenNTPD, and OpenCVS
Origin – Home Page: Canada – OpenBSD
Desktop: Support for virtually all desktop environments, including KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox, ROX Desktop, etc., but you will have to get your hands “dirty” in order to have any of these desktops running.
Price: Open Source and free to download, use, and distribute.
Comments: Although OpenBSD does not offer a fancy GUI installer, it does provide excellent documentation for its text-based installer. Any body with a little knowledge of UNIX/Linux can have an OpenBSD system running in less than one (1) hour. However, don’t expect to boot into a friendly desktop environment after installation.
You will have to spend some time customizing the system before you can have a truly usable OpenBSD desktop machine. OpenBSD is most widely used as server/firewall/router distro, but it does make for a good desktop system if you can take the time to tweak it. This distro is well known for its excellent security track record, and sticks with the traditional root user management system. Packet filter (pf), the firewall that ships with OpenBSD, is an enterprise-grade firewall, and forms part of the core of pfSense.
Download/Buy: The latest stable release is OpenBSD-4.3, which was released on May 1, 2008. Prior to version 4.2, openBSD had no downloadable iso images. You either had to buy CD packges or roll your own iso image. But starting with 4.2 version and continuing with the latest version – 4.3, iso images for all architectures are now available for download.
CD packages can be ordered directly from the OpenBSD store. The openBSD project is partially funded from the sale of CD packages and other materials.